Last night, I took some time to take the carb apart, give it a good deep cleaning, & put it back together with new gaskets. All day today, I have been patiently waiting to get down to Doug’s shop and see if it worked. As you can tell by the title of this post…it worked!!!
I was all pumped to get started re-wiring the truck tonight, but got distracted by the rear brakes and the new hub pulling tool. That’s where the big mistake came…playing with the new hub puller! Unfortunately, the rear brake on the passenger side had a bad clip in it and the brake shoe was damaged and we had a devil of a time getting the hub off. Burned way more time than I wanted on that project.
The next distraction came when I decided to pull the spring off the original ’40 coupe rear end, so that I could put some spring liner material in it and use it for the truck. It should drop the back of the truck an inch or so, which due to the tires that I will be running, will be needed. The original spring had the metal wrap with the grease impregnated cloth underneath. Since I didn’t have a spring spreader, I pulled the leaf spring apart, so that I could safely remove it from the spring perches. Now time for a good degreasing!
Anyway…since I have to order more brake parts, I can focus on rewiring tomorrow. Converting to 12V and already have most of the stuff I need, with the exception of the light bulbs. Hopefully, tomorrow, I can have it running again, but this time as a 12V negative ground!
The FUN is in the RUN!!!